Monday, May 7, 2012

Another school year in the books

As May begins, I am proud to say I am no longer a sophomore in college, and am now moving on toward my junior year. I feel old even saying that. My junior year is going to consist of many new things in my life. I will be starting the Early Childhood Education cohort, and I'm a little nervous to see how it will all unfold. My life will consist of teaching, teaching, and teaching. Butttt...I am also excited for the new opportunities that next year will present to me.

This past school year, was probably one of the best two semesters (august-may) of my life. I know that's a bold statement, but I mean it. My sophomore year consisted of so so many things it's hard to even remember them all. I will say, that I enjoyed every second.  There were hard times, but for the first time in a while, the happy outweighed the sad. I am so blessed by my friends. I can't even put to words what they mean to me.  Looking back on my 2011-2012 school year, I get sad knowing this school year has closed, and many of my good friends have just graduated and are moving on with their lives. But hey If you are wondering what all was a part of my year that made it so stinkin good, here are some pictures, but I don't even think this will describe the way I feel about the past 10 months of my life.

My friends are all back together for school
One of my best friends became an ADPi with me!!
Some friends & I road tripped to Athens and went to a Phi Slam duct tape party.
Athens again for the Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors concert!!!!
I got a little sister in ADPi :) (ellen sentell to the left, me, stephanie, and ellen staton-her little)
I went to Disney world with three of my favorite people on the planet.
Went to formal
Went to the Dominican Republic to help build Pico Escondido-A Young Life camp
Went to Semi-formal (Kentucky Derby) with the most good looking man alive who just so happens to be my boyfriend.
I am a part of a younglife team with the greatest group of people. Gatewood high school & team will forever have my heart.
Took way too many pictures of the same pose, but would do it all over to capture memories with these three girls.  

Okay enough reminiscing. right now, on this very day, I started Maymester. That's right. summer class. Now before everyone forms a thought of why I am doing this, I will have to say it's not too bad. It's only for 3 weeks and it's from 9am-12pm every day. Not too bad right? well...we'll see on the last day of these 3 weeks if I have the same opinion. Here's to summer (sorta) and an upcoming new year that will have to try hard to beat this one.

xo mer

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